Green travel

Your guide to becoming a more sustainable traveller.

How can we travel in a sustainable way

Are you looking to embark on a journey towards eco-friendliness? If you’ve got the travel bug, but don’t want to leave a mark on the planet, we’ve got the ultimate guide to help you become a green globetrotter. 

Whether you’re a frequent flyer or a rail enthusiast, we’re here to show you how you can explore the world more sustainably, without sacrificing any of the fun. 

Get ready for an adventure that’s not just good for your soul, but also for the planet…



How green am I?

Take our simple greenscore to find out your carbon footprint and ways you can reduce your impact

The main areas to look into are – energy, transport, holidays, diet and lifestyle. We can help with ideas on how to reduce your impact

Find my green score

About compare green

Compare green is on a green mission!

We want to provide everyone with the best information on how to reduce their impact. And then we can make more informed choices about where we spend our money.

We all have big power, we can all make a big difference! And we can bring about lots of change by making some pretty simple changes 🙂

Join the new world with compare green!

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